The bark is boiled in water (boiled in a decoction) and taken as tea for diarrhea, cystitis, gonorrhea and the “flute” (a watery discharge from the urethra caused by gonorrhea). A decoction of the leaves and bark is used to reduce fever, as well as to treat fungal candidiasis (thrush), diarrhea, dysentery and urinary problems. You might be surprised to learn how eating exotic mangosteen fruits can benefit a variety of health conditions with their health-boosting properties. Independent scientific research studies and clinical experience show the remarkable health benefits of mangosteen.
In short, here is a partial list of the more than 200 amazing benefits and medicinal properties of mangosteen from the catalog of noted ethnobotanist Dr. However, some who hear or read about the many health benefits of mangosteen for the first time may be inclined to say that they are too many and too good to be true for one exotic fruit to provide them all. One of the important health benefits of mangosteen is its effectiveness in treating Alzheimer's disease.